-  Het slimme netwerk waarop hbo‑ en wo‑studenten hun baan of stage vinden.

Het slimme netwerk waarop hbo‑ en wo‑studenten hun baan of stage vinden.

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Continuous feedback is the new norm! Feedback enhances learning and can significantly improve performance within the organization. TruQu offers a solution to implement feedback in all stages of the organization.
TruQu is the modern way of performance management and offers an online tool for organizations to collect feedback on a regular basis. Our feedback software enables employees to conduct 360 degree feedback assessments themselves. Collect feedback from colleagues, clients and managers. Get real-time insights and improve your learning and development.

Aalsmeer, NL
14 medewerkers



Continuous feedback is the new norm! Feedback enhances learning and can significantly improve performance within the organization. TruQu offers a solution to implement feedback in all stages of the organization.
TruQu is the modern way of performance management and offers an online tool for organizations to collect feedback on a regular basis. Our feedback software enables employees to conduct 360 degree feedback assessments themselves. Collect feedback from colleagues, clients and managers. Get real-time insights and improve your learning and development.

Aalsmeer, NL
14 medewerkers

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