-  Het slimme netwerk waarop hbo‑ en wo‑studenten hun baan of stage vinden.

Het slimme netwerk waarop hbo‑ en wo‑studenten hun baan of stage vinden.

Data Science Consultant / Specialist

Geplaatst 26 mei 2024
2 tot 4 jaar
Full-time / part-time
Soort opleiding
Engels (Vloeiend)
Nederlands (Vloeiend)

Je carrière begint op

Maak een profiel aan en ontvang slimme aanbevelingen op basis van je gelikete vacatures.

As a Data Science Consultant/Specialist, you will solve business questions with data-driven analysis, insight creation and data science solutions. You are responsible for all aspects of the implementation of a solution: business &

data understanding, data engineering & modelling and evaluation & deployment. You apply statistical modelling, machine learning, natural language processing and/or computer vision to create the insights and solutions that add value to our customer and you are able to communicate the analytical steps, outcomes and impact in a clear way to both team members and (external) stakeholders.

Similarly, you will be responsible for implementing and possibly automating these steps and their integration into our clients’ data systems.


  • Understand and analyze business process to advise on appropriate data solutions
  • Analyze data to provide quantitative insights in process and issues
  • Develop data pipelines for for data collection and preparation
  • Develop of models and pipelines
  • Implement and integrate the solution/application in clients application landscape
  • Align with all stakeholders on approach, issues and results
  • Identify and quantify added value of the solution for the client
  • Develop client proposals and propositions under the guidance of senior staff

Career path Consultant / Specialist

We provide for two career paths:

  • As Specialist you focus on the design & implementation of robust data solutions and extend your technical expertise throughout your career.
  • As Consultant you focus on the clients’ perspective and guide all stakeholders through all phases of data solution implementation.

During the application process we will jointly discuss the approriate career path taking into account your experience and ambition.


  • A Master’s degree in a quantitative science – such as Computer Science, ArtificiaI Intelligence, Mathematics, Econometrics, Physics etc.
  • A minimum of 2 years relevant work experience or PhD
  • Strong team player with good communication skills
  • Curious with strong analytical skills
  • Experience with programming in Python
  • You are fluent in Dutch and English

Niet alleen code, maar ook mensen.
VIQTOR DAVIS is een team met meer dan 350 data professionals die zich uitsluitend richten op bedrijfstransformatie door effectief gebruik van data.
Wij zijn dé partner in data science, strategie, governance, management en analytics. Wij zijn actief in de Benelux, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de VS.
Ons team bestaat uit professionals met verschillende achtergronden die verschillende organisaties en vakgebieden begrijpen en innovatie mogelijk maken.

Actief in 5 landen
350 medewerkers
60% mannen - 40% vrouwen
Gemiddeld 30 jaar oud